The Process of Paving a Driveway in Asphalt or Concrete

Are you considering upgrading your concrete, Asphalt, or pebble stone laid driveway to something more exciting and beautiful? Well, paving is a perfect way to increase the curb appeal of your property and lower your maintenance cost.

The Process of Paving a Driveway in Asphalt or Concrete

With paving contractors in Los Angeles ready to execute the job, it is the best way you can enhance the value of your home exteriors. It is however a professional job and you will have to seek help.

We are ready to offer our services to pave your driveway. In this blog, we will be telling you about the benefits of the work and guiding you through the process.

The Benefits Of The Work

Are you sceptical of incurring spending on the work? There are plenty of benefits to obtain from the project and here are the details.


Concrete or asphalt is prone to cracks, but the moment, you pave it, these problems seem to disappear. The pavers can handle the weight of vehicles better

Easy repairs

The repairs are easy because you can just pull out the individual paver and have it repaired, or replaced.


If you think of longevity, there should be nothing to beat the pavers. You should get a tight smooth surface that can last for a long time.

 Understand The Process Of Work

Let us understand the process of work for paving asphalt or concrete driveways. They involve three steps and here are the details.

Surface Material Removal

This is the first and foremost step for preparing a new driveway. It is by removing the existing materials that have become loose, fragmented, and worn-out, that we start the work. At least 2.5-3 inches of the damaged driveway surface needs to be removed and replaced with new pavers. It can be concrete, tiles, or Asphalt. Once all the loose surface materials, gravels, stones, or concrete pieces are removed, and disposed of, a thicker layer of concrete or Asphalt is poured, and thereafter paved with a paving machine. Only the professional and certified paving contractors in Los Angeles, CA, would work seamlessly, by following all the safety guidelines and eco-friendly parameters.

Paving Preparation

After the existing driveway surface has been removed, the path needs to be prepared for relaying a brand-new surface. The existing gravels that are present in the driveway are enough to form a base for the new one. You need to consult with one of the professional driveway contractors in Los Angeles, CA, to have a proper drainage system for your driveway, so that water is not retained after heavy rain or when the snow/ice melts. The existing gravel is compacted using a heavy road roller so that there isn’t any space left between the gravels. This is necessary to help prevent the formation of cracks and sinkholes.

Block Paved Driveway

New Driveway Installation

Whether it is a new pavers installation in Los Angeles, CA, or a driveway installation, it requires expertise and skills of a high degree. In this case, after the ground has been fully prepared, the fresh driveway or walkway layer is installed, using a paving machine that pours ‘high-grade’ concrete or Asphalt mix. It is then flattened and smoothly rolled by the roller. It takes around 24-48 hours to settle down properly before it can be used for another 5-10 years or more.

Paving Your Concrete Or Asphalt Driveway

This is the process we will be following as paving contractors in Los Angeles for your project. You can guide us on the choice of paving materials and the time for project execution. We are committed to doing a seamless job. You are welcome to contact us for any such work.


By paving the driveway, you protect the underlying surface from load-bearing traffic or heavy objects.

If you have bought a newly built home, it is better to wait for 6 to 12 months before paving the driveway. This should allow the soil to settle naturally.

The drainage should be angled away from the pavement and normally accompanied by a slope.

Residential driveway pavers should have a thickness of 2 to 3 inches.

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